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Friday, June 5, 2009

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by J.K. Rowling

Star Rating:
fantasy fiction

Continuing on what happened in the previous novel, Harry is having a horrible summer vacation. All his magic stuff (his books, his broom, his wand) are locked up, and his poor owl is locked up in her cage. As the school year time draws nearer, Harry has an unexpected visitor from the magic world, Dobby the house-elf. With him Dobby brings a strange warning, urging Harry to not go back to the magic school because danger is drawing near. Dobby uses a spell at Harry's house in attempt to make sure Harry will never leave, and Harry is locked up in his room for good. It isn't until Ron Weasley (his best friend) and his two brothers Fred and George come with a flying car that he escaped.

When Ron and Harry later try to get onto Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters (they have to walk through a brick wall), they find the Platform has mysteriously sealed itself early. Obviously, someone doesn't want Harry at school this year. Ron and Harry use the flying car to get to Hogworts (and get in trouble), but soon start a new year.

Dobby was right. Something dangerous is happening at the school. Harry is hearing a voice that only he can hear from the walls, over and over saying kill... KILL. Words are written on the walls of the school: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware. Legend has it that this Chamber of Secrets is a secretly built room of Salazar Slytherin's that is home to a fearsome beast that is to rid the school of all Muggle-born students. The beast remains unknown and is attacking students, petrifying them. Everyone is struck by the question who. Who is Slytherin's heir, opening the chamber and releasing the monster? Harry, Ron, and Hermione are determined to find out.

While rereading this book, I couldn't help but notice all the huge hints that Rowling leaves throughout the beginning of the novel that relate directly to the ending. It was kind of cool, actually. Anyway, I'm now onto the third book! Again, this installment was really good, but for anyone who's never read the series, each novel definitly gets better as the story progresses!

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