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Monday, June 1, 2009

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling

Star Rating:
fantasy fiction

In honor of the sixth Harry Potter movie coming out soon, I decided to reread all the books! I've recently finished the first book where the amazing series.

For anyone who's never read the books, here's a quick summery. Harry Potter has lived with his unkind aunt, uncle, and cousin (the Dursley's) his whole life after his parents' deaths. It wasn't until his eleventh birthday that Harry discovered he was much more than your average kid... Harry's a wizard.

Harry ends up thrust into a magical world and attending Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where learning to fly a broom, turn a needle into a match, and levitating objects are just a few of the interesting lessons. Even in what seems like a paradise compared to Harry's life with the Dursley's, there's more danger than before. He discovers the truth about his past, how a powerful and evil wizard, Voldemort, had murdered his parents but somehow couldn't kill him. He's famous for surviving. Many think that You-Know-Who was destoyed after his failure to kill Harry, but others think he's still out there. With the knowledge of something being hidden in the school, guarded by a massive three-headed dog, Harry and his friends can't help but wonder if Voldemort is after it, whatever it is, to come back to power.

Out of all the wonderful things about this book, there are two that really stick out. There's a lot of foreshadowing (not only for the rest of this book, but the whole series as well). Another cool thing is the creativity of Harry's magical world. It's creatively similar but different from the Muggle (or our) world. I'd suggest this book to anyone and everyone who hasn't read it yet, because it's the kind of book that I'd predict is long-lasting enough to be read in schools one day.

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